Theodorus (Dorus) H. Martin
Era: Civil War
Military Branch: Army

MARTIN, Theodorus "Dorus" H.
Theodorus "Dorus" H. Martin was born around 1810 in Grand Isle, Vermont to Caleb & Lucy McCoy [Marble] Martin.
Doras Martin’s case is another instance of grim determination to fight for his country, no matter what obstacles came to prevent it. He was well over sixty years old, had no money, but he borrowed $25 to go to St. Paul to enlist.
There he was rejected, his gray hair and whiskers belieing his statement of age. But he dyed his hair, and crossed into Wisconsin, where he was admitted into Company G, 30th Wisconsin Regiment on November 1st 1863, as a man of forty years of age.
He served until June 15th 1865, then being discharged at Louisville, Kentucky, for physical disability. He returned to Duluth, proud of his military record, and proud of his uniform, as every war veteran has a right to be. So proud indeed of it that he had resolved to die in the national uniform. And as he was then “nearing seventy years,” and had many premonitions of death, he was wont, it is said, to dress often in his regimentals.
One morning, in 1867, he was found motionless, seated in his chair near the open door of his cottage, in full uniform, even to his hat. He was dead. But the sturdy old patriot, quadroon though he was supposed to be, was reverently given the last rites of a soldier of the nation.
Dressed in “Blue,” the uniform of honor, he was given full military honors, and buried in Franklin Square, Minnesota Point. Later his body was removed to the Soldiers’ Rest, in Forest Hill Cemetery, his grave being No. 7, of Tier No. 1.
He is also featured on the SLCHS/VMH traveling exhibit, "The 18 ". The exhibit honors the 18 local Veterans known to have left everything to go off and fight for the Union in the Civil War. These 18 men, their characters forged in the rugged wilds of northern Minnesota, served the nation and helped build St. Louis County.
Source(s): From Walter Van Brunt’s Duluth and St. Louis County, Minnesota Vols. 1 – 3. The American Historical Society. Chicago: 1922.
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Pvt Dorus H Martin (1800-1867) - Find a Grave Memorial