Dale M. Longtin

Photo of Dale M.

Photo: Dale Longtin, age 18, in Guam, 1944.

Dale M. Longtin served during World War II in the U.S. Navy from June 1943 until March 1946 in the Pacific Theater, specifically the Mariana Islands, and also during the Korean War.

He was assigned to Carrier Service Unit (CASU) 12, 47th Division.

Mr. Longtin was in the Army from 1946 until 1972. His rank was 1st Lieutenant.

He was born in 1925 in Grand Rapids, Minnesota, the son of Joseph and Pearl Longtin.

Source: Veterans’ Memorial Hall Veteran History Form; veteran account (see below)

My father, Joseph—Army, World War I; Myself—18 months, South Pacific, World War II; My son, Terry Longtin—1 year, Vietnam; My grandson, Jordan Mullins—2 tours, Iraq

All the above—shot at, never wounded. Four generations of proud Americans.

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