John Chiaradonna

Photo of John

Born 22 June, 1920 at Revere, Massachusets, J

John Chiaradonna was inducted into the Army on 24 April, 1942 at Ft. Devens, Massachusets and attended 12 weeks Tank Mechanic School at Aberdeen, Maryland before shipping out on 31 August, 1942.

Assigned to the 991st Heavy Maintenance Co. (Tank), he served as a Truck Driver (Heavy), Tank Retriever and Tank Mechanic in Algeria-French Morocco, Tunisia, Sicily, Naples-Foggia, Rome-Arno, North Apennines and the Po Valley.

Attaining the rank of Tech 4, he received the:

Good Conduct Medal,
European African Middle Eastern (EAME) Theater Campaign Ribbon, with 1 silver and 2 bronze stars,
World War II Victory Medal.

He was wounded in combat and hospitalized for a time, but survived his injuries and returned to his unit.

Tech 4 Chiaradonna returned state-side on 18 June 1945 and was Honorably Discharged on 26 June 1945.

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