Lester Carl Beach

Lester Carl Beach

Mr. Beach served in WWII. He served in the Army Air Corps from October 1942 until October of 1945. He was assigned to the 932nd Signal Battalion, Tactical Air Command 9th Air Force, in Europe. His rank was Tech 4.

He was born in Shelby County, Missouri, in June of 1922, and is the son of William and Elma Beach. He graduated from Leonard High School in Leonard, Missouri, and then continued with a BSEE in 1949 from Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy in Rolla, Missouri.

Source: Veterans’ Memorial Hall veteran history form,veteran’s account follows:

“Basic – Miami Beach, Florida – Camp Crowder, Missouri – other schools – left from Fort Dix, New Jersey – on Queen Mary to Great Britain December 43. Went to Omaha Beach July 1, 1944 to a small beach hold. Soon broke out and followed General Patton’s 3rd Army across France, Luxemburg, Germany till German surrender, then back to France to prepare to go to Pacific. Atom bombs dropped then came home.”

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