Robert Washkuhn

Photo of Robert

Robert Washkuhn served in World War II in the European Theater.

Mr. Washkuhn served in the U.S. Army from August 28, 1944, until March 3, 1946. He was assigned to Company C, 60th Battalion, 9th Armored Division.

He traveled by ship to Scotland, then on to England. His unit served in both France and Germany. The 9th Armored Division was the first division to cross the Rhine River. Mr. Washkuhn's rank was Private 1st Class.

He was decorated with the Bronze Star Medal.

Mr. Washkuhn was born in 1924 in Shell Lake, Washburn County, Wisconsin, the son of William and Elizabeth Washkuhn.

Source: Veterans' Memorial Hall Veteran History Form; veteran's account (see below)

"I was shipped overseas to Europe. Landed in Scotland, down to England, France and Germany. I was with the 9th Armored Division. We were the first to cross the Rhine River."

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