Roman Dorosz

The following is taken from an interview conducted by Kimberly Schendel, a student at Ordean Middle School. The narrative tells the story of Roman Dorosz's experiences during WWII.

Roman Dorosz served in WWII in the infantry of the First Division of the Ukrainian National Army. When asked what he had to do in WWII he states, “I had to fight, and go to military training. Then I had to go to basic training. After that I had to go to special training to be a non-commissioned officer. Training the new draftees was the next task I had to do. Other men and I trained them in boot camp, and made soldiers out of civilians.” Regarding what he disliked about the war he said, “There really is too much to name. War is a very, very nasty, serious thing. You had to injure or kill people. That was something that I or anybody else would not like.”

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